Monday, October 20, 2008

New Media in Schools React

Heck yeah there should be new media taught in schools! I think it is just ridiculous of anyone to think that teaching kids new media, at any age after about 5, is wrong. The skills they learn when dealing all new media are going to be required for them. For all you 20-year old students out there....imagine if you had shown up to OSU without the knowledge of how to use a computer, or the internet, or even a cell phone????? That's crazy.
It is absolutely necessary to teach new media to everyone at this stage in technology. I am learning this stuff at a university, but I have to teach my wife some of this stuff all the time, just to keep her up to date.
"New Media Communications" as a major may have sounded weird to most of us when we started. By the time the decade has run its course though, it should be the norm at all major universities.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I totally agree. But do you feel the methods of teaching new media are successful? It's no question this stuff should be taught, but how effective is teaching it? How many times have we had projects in the NMC major where the instructors were just like "go make something?" If this sort of thing is happening here, I have no doubt it's happening elsewhere too. I think there needs to be a little bit of polishing done to these programs.